Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Flash any recovery easily on the phone without using computer


1. A permanently rooted phone
2. The flash_image binary Download this -
3, A recovery image that is compatible with your phone and ROM
3. A terminal emulator application on the phone or use of an ADB shell

1. Get the flash_image binary and recovery image onto your phone
2. Copy or move the flash image binary to your system and make executable
3. Use flash_image to update your recovery environment

1. Download the flash_image binary (not needed if you are running a custom ROM that includes this binary)
2. Download the recovery image you wish to use

You can either directly download the files onto your phone or onto your PC and transfer to your phone. Probably the easiest way to do this is to connect your phone to your computer via USB and mount USB storage, then copy the files to your SD Card. Alternatively you can use ADB Push, bluetooth file transfer or several other methods.

Stage 2: Copy or move the flash image binary to your system and make executable

In terminal emulator:
mount -o remount, rw /system
cd /sdcard (or wherever you downloaded/copied the file)
cp flash_image /system/bin
cd /system/bin
chmod 777 flash_image
Stage 3: use flash_image to update your recovery environment

In terminal emulator:
su (not needed if using the same terminal session used in the steps above)
cd /sdcard (or wherever you downloaded/copied the recovery image)
flash_image recovery recovery.img (use the appropriate file name for the image file you are flashing)
Reboot into recovery and verify that the correct recovery environment is installed
And all Done 

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